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2003-04-23 - 1:02 p.m.

Email to my parents in Cozumel:

Hi! Thank you so much for the email! Great to hear from you! We have had an

awesome weekend - Friday A and I dyed Easter eggs - Aunt J came over in

the morning and helped - then A and I went to Flower World and bought

tons more plants and planters ...Planted most of them in the yard and in

containers Friday night, then got more containers and plants Saturday and

planted them all - it will look like a lush jungle around here by the end of

the summer if I have my way. :)

L and R came Saturday evening with C (Kimi's son) and stayed

at our house while R and I went to dinner (we tried a new Thai restaurant

and now I can't wait to bring you guys there - it was incredibly good) and

then to one of R's coworker's house for a party - L gave C

and A a bath together - must have been cute.

Today A awoke to an Easter basket outside her bedroom door and eggs

hidden all around the house. It was to-die-for cute. She then wanted to play

re-hide and re-find eggs ALL MORNING. Like R said - forget Christmas -

A loves Easter!! It was sunny and warm so we got to sit out on our patio

while we played rehide and reseek. At 1:30 we went down to Kirkland Park

Place for the Kirkland egg hunt - it was a zoo but not unmanageable by any


Now we are making Chile Verde for dinner and having pina coladas :)

Looking forward to having you home again, glad to hear you are having a good

time despite the various ailments - I'll be curious to hear if there is

anything cool they do for Easter there...

Miss you and love you!


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